"Gone With the Wind"

It's time.
This post as been brewing for my entire life.
Gone With the Wind is in my top three favorite books of all time.

I was literally raised on the book. When I was super young, my dad read it out loud to all of us kids.
He skipped all of the slightly racy scenes,
substituted "phooey!" for the bad words,
and attempted Mammy's accent in a truly memorable manner. 
I loved it.

I finally read the book for myself, and watched the movie just in the past year.

They are both a part of my soul.

I realize that's rather awkward, since, despite the novel and movie being tremendously popular...
many people don't like it at all.

That's okay. The whole ambiguous ending, very, very foolish Scarlett, morally questionable Rhett...
these are all reasons why some people don't get/don't like/hate the story.

My reasons for loving it are these:

1. Rhett Butler
To be honest, I'm absolutely crazy about him.

He is my favorite fictional character of all time.
That does not mean that he is my favorite fictional hero of all time.

Because he really has issues, folks.

But how could I not love a man in a white suit??

I could talk about his hair for a good while, too.

But really.
His personality is just so interesting. It's unusual how the story is about a man who loves a woman,
when the woman doesn't love him.
Usually, it's vice versa.
All of the quirks and intricacies of his personality are so fascinating.
He is an awesome character.

This is one of my favorite scenes ever.
Scarlett is having a bad dream and Rhett comforts her.
It's one of the very few times where they are both being genuine, 
and you can tell how much he loves her.

And, even though Clark Gable is one of my favorite actors ever,
I loved Rhett Butler before I watched the movie

2. Scarlett. 
Yes, she's a selfish, senseless brat. She is so human.
And although there are certain things she does that I would never do,
I really can identify with her.
I would totally fall in love with Rhett immediately (if not before), but she did, too! 
She just didn't realize it. I am pretty sure I would know right off that I was in love with him. 
In general, I tend to understand my feelings about people.
(by the way, I can't stand her hairdo in the picture above. gack)

See how cool and distant she is being?


Ashely is a wretch,
and I hate him.
She has such a distorted, glorified version of him in her head.
I'm pretty sure I could never fall in love with a man named Ashley.
I mean, wouldn't that give you a little hint as to his personality?

I think Vivien Leigh is perfect for the part--she's beautiful, 
but in an unusual and sometimes alarming way.
And she has killer eyes.
I am so jealous because she can raise one eyebrow perfectly. 
I  hope that in heaven, I can raise one eyebrow.

This scene is sad like nobody's business.
I actually get kinda annoyed with Melanie, right along with Scarlett,
but then realize how awesome she is by the end.

3. the movie is just plain epic
Especially for it's day. 1939? You guys, that was long, long time ago.

And I mean epic in the dictionary definition kinda way.
The war scenes, the costumes, the drama... it's just far ahead of it's time.

Her costumes are lovely... even though most of them are rather historically inaccurate.

Why can't we wear hoopskirts anymore??

I love the dress she makes from the curtains. 
I want to literally rip Scarlett into tiny shreds during this scene.
And Rhett makes me want to burst into tears.

4. the ending
I love how just when she finally comes to her senses and realizes she's desperately in love with him,
it's too late.
Because we all know what he says...
"Frankly, my dear...I don't give a darn."
Talk about tragic!
The horrible longing for what could have been, 
if only she had realized she loved him sooner.
I love it.

Yep. I love Gone With the Wind and that's why.

And now I want to you know why 
love or hate the book and movie.

And if you haven't seen or read it... what can I say, except
go do it right now.