happy birthday to my beautiful friend

This is my friend Beka.
Today, she is sixteen. She was born to be sixteen.

We are soul sisters in a major way. We often do identical things simultaneously totally separately and without talking about it. For instance, most recently, we both abruptly had a craving for an elephant necklace and promptly acquired one.

Whenever we go shopping separately we find a million things that are just perfect for each other, and want to buy them all. Sometimes, we do.

Watching movies with her is on my list of favorite-est things to do in the world. We laugh hysterically, weep, sigh, swoon, and critique everyones' hairstyles and wardrobe choices.

This has happened countless times, especially during movies:
Me/Beka: (states rather odd/awkward/freakish/creepy opinion)
Me/Beka: Oh my WORD. I was about to say the exact same thing but didn't because I thought you would think I was a freak!

We both love Jesus. burritos. Mexico. men with big heads. Christian Kane. shoes. bling. Bambi's dad. Ecclesiastes. Channing Tatum. money. shopping. red. Bruce Willis. Elvis Presley. Humphrey Bogart. in general, men who are way too old for us... or dead. Despicable Me. chocolate. Audrey Hepburn. strawberries. Channing Tatum's jaw. donuts. 

and Bob.

She's glamorous, intense, hilarious, and vivacious. She brings amusement, hysteria, excitement, drama, and more than anything, joy, into my life by the bucket-load. I honestly have no idea what I would do without her.

Actually, I do know. I would shrivel up and die.

She is absolutely, stunningly, ridiculously, beautiful.

She's a girly blonde through-and-through, but she has a tough, country-girl side that you don't want to mess with.

She's a good sport when I constantly thrust my camera into her face. She poses perfectly without me having to push her around. : )

She's fearless on ice. She always smells good. Her hair is perfect. And she is so. stinkin'. cute.

She gives the best hugs. Ever. There are times when the only thing that will make me feel better is a good, long, bone-crushing, emotional-wreck-repairing Beka hug.

And sometimes, she looks like a gnome, which makes me laugh. A lot.

Yes, Beka, you're finally sixteen years old. This year, lets grow together, encourage each other, have tons of fun, and check going on a cruise together off of our bucket lists. I love you so. much. God has blessed me wildly by giving me your friendship. Happy, happy birthday.