Drooling over vintage clothing...

When we were at the beach last week (the sixth and last time for the summer), 
I checked out a kinda grungy-looking vintage shop. 
Because I've never ever been in a vintage store. 
And I love vintage! Problem? Yes.
I went in, even though it was called Garbo's Vintage.

And amongst the saggy baggy worn-out junk,
and the outdated weird dresses,
and the horrific 70's stuff,
and the lame guys' clothes...

There were treasures.
I found several lacy 50's dresses... the white one pictured above was... too small.
But the boot made me happy.

A couple cute outfits... how do ya like the fuzzy white hat? 
Sorta unsettling.

Darling blue heels... of course they were too small. 
What is up with vintage people being so stinkin' small??

I tried on this lovely wedding dress. It fit...as long as breathing was unnecessary.
Which it was.
But I would have bought it and worn it by any means possible...if it hadn't been $200.  

I left part of my soul in that shop, and I'm gonna have to go back to collect it.