Vintage Dance

You know how sometimes I put up a huge post with tons of pictures and then warn you about it?
This is far longer. I apologize. ;-)

On Friday, we had a vintage dance at our church. Having gone vintage store shopping, some of us were garbed in actual vintage clothing, and others were in beautiful retro clothing that they had made. Of course we had to take pictures... so we all gathered at the church early and I was in heaven being bossy and taking pictures of all these beautiful young ladies.

Beka, glamorous and so 50's. A post will be coming up with many more pictures I got of her. 

She pulls off bright red lipstick so beautifully...

Kerrilyn--1950's meets Raggedy Ann. Or Pippy Long Stocking. :-)
I love the look so much.

She took off the socks and wore demure black flats for the dance. :-)

Hadley, pre-poodle skirt.

Found her shoes and couldn't resist...

This girl--so darn cute.

Hadley, obeyer of the voice of my soul, has beautiful shiny red shoes.

So does Kerrilyn, of course, but I had to bring two pairs of my red shoes for Beka and Shayleen.

Her skirt was so deliciously twirly.

More twirling...

Shayleen got this dress at the same vintage shop as I got mine. 

The cut is very unique, and very lovely. And the collar is exquisite.

Elisa, with adorable rose headband.

And then I got dressed... and Kerrilyn the hair artist doused my hair in hairspray.

My finished hair.

Rebekah was sort of a flapper... but a pretty flapper. 
Which is unusual.

Benjamin took this... I think... 
once he figured out that he had to look through the view finder of my camera. LOL.

Lauren's dress was beautiful, and looked good with mine.
Didn't get a full-length picture of her dress, though.

Brother and sister-in-law being mushy.

Congratulations if you got through all of these. gasp.