Something about me + Benjamin = roadtrip. I so wanted to do go on one with him before he runs off to get married, but it didn't seem to be working out, until Bethany only had a one-way plane ticket to Moscow and needed to be collected.
I do realize that the sunglasses make me look even more like a bug than usual... that's because they're Benjamin's. : ) I left mine at my sister's house. |
So, we collected her.
We lived it up in Moscow, aka wandered around doubled over in hysterics about inane things, ate food, and then watched a movie in the park on a laptop. : )
We went to Christ Church on Sunday, and I had my first-ever blogger meet up, with Sara from Music of the Spheres. She was awesome. : )
And then we went on a picnic and I found the wheatfield I have been waiting for my whole life.
I wanted to stay there until sunset so I could get some killer lighting... but we had to leave. :( I am literally going to go back there sometime soon just to do a photo shoot in the Wheat Field of All Wheat Fields.
The trip back was, of course, more insane, since we had Bethany. I laughed more than I have in a really, really long time. My laugh was literally gone by the time it was over. All I had left was hoarse wheezing and snorts. Think Lydia from Pride and Prejudice.
Me: "Ben, please stand up there and be cool so I can get a god picture of you."
(definition of a god picture: a photo of a male doing something cool with the sun behind him)
Speaking of gods. I named my Mac "Ares", the god of war. : )
It was The Adventure of a Lifetime.
And most importantly, now we have Bethany back. : )
My first-ever attempt with any kind of slideshow/video thing. I used iMovie, which is beautifully intuitive and my new best friend. Let me know what you think. : )
p.s. Alabama's "I'm In a Hurry" is me and Benjamin's Song. : )