We had a weekend at the beach, on our annual shopping-and-eating-and-baby-filled girls' getaway. Three new additions since last year--one new sister-in-law, and two more nieces.
The beach is therapeutic, the shopping is therapeutic, the babies are therapeutic (and deeply stressful at times...), the 2:30 am talks in the dark with my seriously crazed sisters, playing on the hot beach with my fearless Katie, it's all fiercely medicinal.
Sadly, these are not my shoes. They are Bethany's.
I was actually extraordinarily restrained this time. But we went to Carter's and I was the only one who bought any baby clothes... yes, I have a disorder.

Chocolate milk. Drink of the gods.
The little girls and I ate lots and lots of cocoa puffs.
I bought a polka-dot pencil and a panda eraser at Claires. My life? Complete.
I painted a princess dress for Katie. She gasped and then held it and stared at it and talked to herself about princesses and good guys. I love how easily kids are satisfied.
Victoria is so ridiculously happy, all the time. Except for when she's screaming. It's pretty much either/or.

Katie and Ruby love each other. :)
Laying in the sun on the beach, sunburning mildly and reading. YES. (picture by Katelyn)
My brother's wife Katelyn and baby Virginia.
Ruby is the munchkin of all munchkins.
Virginia was oh-so-responsible, holding the butterfly kite.
"Nana" and granddaughters, riding the dragon, on the way to the castle. ;)
My newest sister-in-law, Hannah.
Katie is growing up so. stinkin'. fast. She talks and talks. In the car: (playing with her hair dreamily): "I like good guys. They're so pretty!"
Bokeh sunset.
All of the guys were on The Epic Camping Trip. I think it's the longest Joseph and Hannah had been apart since before they started courting!
We were so glad Hannah came, even though she missed her man. :)
Katie loved the little dog (named Sparticus--epic) that two blond boys brought over.
Bethany's true self.
I love these people. These truth-or-dare in the middle of the night, really and truly sisters and sisters of my soul people.
Victoria is a big fan of sand. Even in her mouth.
knee deep, by the Zac Brown band. On an inexplicable country kick lately...