Maybe you can't stand the Jonas Brothers. Maybe you're more of a Justin Bieber fan. Maybe you were a Jonas Brothers fan back in the day. Maybe you've never heard of Nick Jonas. Maybe you're a die hard Les Mis fan, and you think Nick Jonas as Marius was laughable and/or grievous. Maybe you're so mature that you're above all this.
Well, today, I'm sitting in the sunshine by the open window, drinking chocolate milk and smelling fresh-cut grass. And today I'm going to talk about Nick Jonas, the eighteen-year-old singer, songwriter, drummer, pianist, guitarist, actor, diabetic, and Christian.
I knew nothing about him until I watched the stunning Les Miserables 25th anniversary concert last November. I loved his voice, I loved his hair, I loved his collar, I loved that he was only seventeen, and I loved that he fit my idea of Marius perfectly. ![]() |
"life's too short to waste time/ every little thing's gonna be alright. ...cause we're chillin' in the summertime/ not a cloud in the sky..." -chillin' in the summertime |
He wins the award for my favorite hair of all time. Since the post in which I commended his hair, I have discovered his music, and love his solo album, as well as some of the less mature but way-fun Jonas Brothers' music.
I have been wanting to do another post on guys' fashion, but it's hard to find examples of awesomeness.
I so found one in this guy. His style is consistent, masculine, and includes pretty much everything I have always liked on a guy.
Well-fitted polo shirt? Check.
Amazing jeans? Check.
Classy silver watch? Check.
Converse? Check (not imperative, but still)
Satchel? Major check.
(Only Nick Jonas looks this good while pumping gas.)
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"something's changing deep inside/ all my hopes are comin' alive..." -invisible and, dog tags. love. |
They do stunts in their concerts, and of course, his are the most awesome out of the three brothers. : )
Also, he has a white belt. Just sayin'.
He reminds me a ton of my brother Benjamin, both his personality and his good looks. Especially this photo--the hair, the shirt, the pants, the watch, the amazing aviator sunglasses, the cell phone... it's creepy how much he looks like Benjamin.
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"It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything." |
He has done a lot of events to encourage diabetic kids. Fist-bumping little boys--yes.
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"Trust is a far greater compliment than love could ever be." |
Every once in awhile I think "my word--he's only eighteen!" His dignified, level-headed interaction with crazed fans, paparazzi, and interviewers is amazing.
I have always loved white suits...
I think he was meant to be a 50's heartthrob. Classy, dapper, gentlemanly...
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"every single word's been said/ broke each other's hearts again/ as the starlit sky begins to shine/ we're breaking down..." -tonight |
Love, love, love his jacket.
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"Any man can love a million girls, but it takes a real man to love one girl a million ways." |
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"we're chasing stars to lose our shadows/ Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine/ so won't you fly with me?" -fly with me |
Any guy who lists Peter Pan as one of his favorite movies and writes an entire song inspired by the story wins in my book.
His dog's name is Elvis. ♥
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"nothing is right, nothing is right when you're gone/ losing my breath/ losing my right to be wrong/ I'm frightened to death/ I'm frightened that I won't be strong/ I want someone to love me/ for who I am/ I want someone to need me/ is that so bad?" -who i am |
I am a long-time fan of rolled-up sleeves on men. I was raised in the midst of a whole lotta rolled-up-sleeve goodness.
Also, a lot of good hair. Which is why I'm so picky.
His completely naturally-curly hair used to be longer and crazier. Now it's less exciting but more dignified. : ) By the way: drummers should always have cool hair.
Love his jacket, again.
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"have you ever felt like standin' on a rooftop?/ have you ever wanted to scream?/ ..this is the night/ so raise up your hands and touch the sky/ cause we're not alone tonight." -this is the night |
I love that he wears so much plaid.
He wears his dogtags because of his diabetes--so that when he needs medical attention, people will know that he is diabetic. He also often wears his purity ring on the chain.
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"the stars are shining/ for you and me tonight/ in this city that dreams are made of." -LA baby |
I love this outfit.
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"now that the pain is done/ there's no need to be afraid/ we don't have time to waste/ just tell me that you'll stay." -stay |
I'm always interested to read the artist's "thank you" section...his starts out with:
"I would first thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Your love and mercy surpasses all understanding."
Now you know.
Now you know that I like Nick Jonas. Wow...I feel such freedom.
.some of these photos are from the show Jonas LA.
.all quotes and song lyrics are by Nick or from songs that he co-wrote.
.be sure and check out the linked YouTube videos if you're interested. : )
.photos via we ♥ it