I didn't know anything about Garnet Hill until I randomly requested a catalog while browsing this cool place where you can get free catalogs from clothing companies to peruse luxuriantly at home.
Anyway. I requested a free catalog, received it, and promptly fell in love. With everything. So I went to the website and got way too many photos to share with you. :-) Their clothing is not insanely priced, but too spendy for me. Maybe someday when they have an awesome sale, I will buy a dress.
I like how their stuff is pretty modest, conservative, non-teeny-bopper-ish, but not old-lady at all. I love love love love it.
Love the polka dots... as always. Isn't the headband darling??
Headband! Hair! So cute!
Absolutely love this outfit. Leggings + pink + grey + ruffles + skinny belt = happiness for me.
See above.
Super cool color. And it's just a very classic, feminine look. And her headband!
This is way. too. cute.
White skirts are on my top 10 life essentials.
This is a really cute cut, and I like it with the scarf.
I love the lace trend. And this is really cute.
Adorable knit drapeyness.
Cardigans. Yum.
I would wear this dress. I would SO wear this dress. Orange heels! Yes!
Love flowers on shoes.