Day 27: A physical feature you love.

So I decided to take a different spin on this one. 
I am going to do a specific feature that I love belonging to specific person. 

Robert Downey Jr.'s eyes.

I usually tend to like blue/green/grey eyes on guys, but sometimes brown eyes really get me.

And this doesn't mean I'm obsessed with him, think he's a great person, etc.

I think he has a lot of issues, actually.

A lot.

But I think he is amazing in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Sherlock Holmes.

I also think it's cool because he's good-looking even though he is sorta old. :-)
And he has a really good smile.

Okay. I love his hair, too.
He is one of those people who loses everything when he loses his hair. 
At some point he had super-short hair... and it was beyond horrific.

I love this face he makes in Iron Man. :-)